Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Its Like to Have a Gamer Boyfriend

Hey all

I've been thinking about what to blog about recently as I'm trying to update everyday.  I turned to my boyfriend and asked him what he would want to read about in a blog.  "*mumble mumble*.. I dunno. - OH COME ON DONT DO THAT! LEARN TO PLAY THIS GAME PROPERLY." is what he said.  Maybe not in those exact words.  He was yelling at the xbox live video game he was playing (Dont worry, no domestic violence in this household). 

"Thank you!" I said.  Through our strong connection I heard what he really meant to say: "blog about having a gamer boyfriend!"

Heh.. Now this blog may be a bit different for those who have gamer boyfriends because I happen to live with my boyfriend, so I see his gamer side a lot more than someone who may not live with their boyfriend, but here I go to try to sum it up in one blog. Bare with me.

5.  We spend less time together.
With my all past boyfriends, our time together was spent with each other.  If I was at their house for the week, we'd be inseparable.  The thing is, we often fought a lot too.  Spending so much time together was detrimental to our relationship, even if I didn't live with them and only saw them a few times a week.  I'm sure you read this heading and thought "poor her.. He ignores her for video games" but you couldn't be more wrong! That's the best thing about dating a gamer boyfriend.  I believe we wouldn't be able to stand eachother if he wasn't playing his video games.  Why? Because when he's doing his hobby, I have time to do mine! At the end of the night, we're able to come together and enjoy eachothers company for real, instead of being overloaded with eachother from spending every waking moment stuck to eachothers side.

4.  I never have to worry about presents
We've all been there.  What the hell do I buy my boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? Then you go around asking your friends for advice, and they all tell you the same thing: "You know him better than I do.  Think about what he likes to do?" But with a gamer boyfriend, I never have this problem! What do I get him? A video game! A new console? Microsoft points for xbox? The possibilities are endless.

3.  Everything is quicker
Now now, lets get our minds out of the gutter.  I'm not talking about that kind of quicker.  I'm talking about his motor skills, his hand eye coordination, and while we're at it, his amazing skills with his fingers (okay, maybe I'm the one with my mind in the gutter..) Its been proven that gaming greatly increases various skills like this, and it shows in our everyday life.  He's been known to say that he looks at life like a video game.  He's quick to take on challenges, and considers all his options before he decides to make a move.  Video games have given him the ability to be systematic and challenging about his life.  Who doesnt want a boyfriend who jumps at the opportunity to reach his "quest".

2. He knows how to stick up for his girl
Gaming has given my boyfriend the incredible ability to trash talk anyone and do it well.  If you're a gamer yourself, you know the amount of trash talk that goes on in a multiplayer game.   Its not exactly "classy" trash talk, but if you game enough, you develop the quick ability to formulate a comback in seconds.  You pretty much have to, if you dont want to look like the bitch of the game.  However, this comes in handy when I'm being nagged on by someone in real life.  I know what you're thinking: A girl can stick up for herself.  But believe me, I can't.  I'm just glad I have a boyfriend who's able to bust out something like "If I wanted my own comeback, I'd wipe it off your moms chin."  He's so classy!

1.  I get to learn from him
Have you ever tried to date someone who didn't have any hobbies? Yea, me too.  I think we lasted about a month.  I'm so glad that my boyfriend is able to have his own hobby, and it really keeps things interesting for our relationship.  He can talk for hours about video games and I'm always really impressed about the things he has to say.  I can sit there and watch him perfect a video game in seconds and there is nothing sexier than that.  I know I have a talented boyfriend.  Not only that, but video games are ever changing.  There's always new games coming out, which means we always have something to talk about.   I'm really lucky in the sense that I (italics to really emphasize that I'm the most basic beginner "gamer" out there) get to here about the newest tips and tricks to beating and perfecting a video game.  Now if only I could actually be good at them.


  1. hehe, i guess my girlfriend hates that i play.. :D I wish she could see those positiv sides about it. :D At least i earn money with it, lol.

    Following. :)

  2. Interesting, gamer boyfriends aren't so bad, as long as they aren't complete addicts like some guys I know.

    You should get your boy to share his experience with a gamer girlfriend (I'm confident you'll be a good one one day. :D)

  3. He has had a gamer girlfriend in the past, I try to play as often as possible though to get good enough to play with him!

  4. You need to game with your boyfriend a little. He might enjoy it, if you don't already.

    I think my favourite point in this is number 2, simply because I admire anyone who sticks up for someone else.

  5. I game with him in campaign mode, especially with Gears of War cause its his favourite game

  6. finally someone who talks about the merits of dating a gamer. if only more people would understand!

  7. as a gamer, and a boyfriend I'm glad to see a woman with enough independent thought to see the benefits in a mans hobby rather that just dismissing things you cannot partake in like most women would...btw lets fuck

  8. My wife really appreciated and agreed with this list. It kind of made me chuckle, to be honest.

    The other funny one. If you want to increase his trash-talking skills...just let him play Bulletstorm. Dear God in Heaven, that game's language is...................impressive.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. He does play bulletstorm :) He pre ordered it and has been playing since

  11. I'm not sure if my girlfriend fully appercaties the hours upon hours shes listened to me drone on and on about how to last hit correctly or how to properly counter pick

  12. I'm in fairly the same situation as you. i think the one thing i hate about having a gamer boyfried is he's smarter then me and anytime we fight i am browbeaten to the max. it's ok thought because if i dont cook he doesnt eat. hahahaha i hold the strings.

  13. @XXII I appreciate the advice when I get it, although sometimes when I'm playing it is easier to learn on my own. But I'm sure your girlfriend appreciates it all the same.

    @Nina hahahah its so true, my boyfriend is incredibly smart, but in the end I'm cooking dinner!

  14. I like how optimistic you are about having a gamer boyfriend. It is rare to find ladies who can understand how important it is for the mental state of males to compete in video games.

  15. Nice that you play together with him.. Guess he enjoys it alot, at least i would. (:

  16. I think he does enjoy it, I wasnt a gamer at all before I met him so he got me into it!

  17. This must be how my girlfriend feels :D

  18. great blog, im totally following you from now on

  19. gamers usually dont have gf :(

  20. I like to playing 'games' with girls :)

  21. Ahh cool! Thanks for your opinion! I agree with you on ranking 1st for that!

  22. best gf ever, i wish u were my gf..OH WAIT U R MY GF!!! HI BABE! i love ur point of view on my gaming, aND how bit by bit ur turning into a gamer urself...right this moment ur playing Horde on GoW2 lol <3

  23. I find that you two gaming together is cuter than any sappy love story, rooting for you two :)

  24. I'm kindof the gamer boyfriend to my girlfriend, however, she's far more of a gamer than I am. Work and uni have pretty much sucked all the time out of my life.
