Friday, February 25, 2011

5 ready-made meals that have ruined something great.

5.  Kraft Dinner
I was stumbling the other day when I came across a website with a recipe for Mac and Cheese.  I'm not gonna lie, when I'm stumbling and I'm hungry these pages get the best of me.  All I could think of was, "When is the last time I actually made macaroni and cheese myself?" (It was three years ago, but thats besides the fact.) Kraft Dinner is number 5of the nasty culprits that ruined something great.  With a box coming at an easy $1.25, no one wants to run out and buy cheese, macaroni, and all the other delicious ingredients to make an actual homemade meal.

4.  Box Cake Mix
Box cake has single handedly turned a family event (in my family at least) into a fat lazy mans dream.  No one wants to take the time to make a unique cake from scratch anymore, they just want to go out and buy a box, throw some eggs and oil in it and have their cake and eat it too.  Luckily, there's a new fad coming out called Cake Box Doctoring.  The possibilities are endless.  Vanilla cake and chocolate pudding? No problem! Yellow box cake and caramel pudding? Sure! This also creates an easily alternative to those of us who are cake-from-scratch-handicapped.

3.  Soup Cans
Delicious campbells soup has gotten me through plenty of long hungry nights as a college student.  But at the price they sell it, its almost not worth it to buy.  Soup cost next to nothing to make.  Think about it.  Water? Free.  A jar of chicken broth? Okay well I dont know how much that costs, but a jar of it will flavor your soup for months.  Buy some veggies, throw them in with your soup and you have a cheap ass meal that probably tastes much better than your store bought chunky.  Not only that, but the control you have over your dinner is enough to send you on a power-trip.

2. Shepherds pie
A delicious blend of potato, corn and beef, its no wonder how easy it is to devour a pan of this stuff.  Unfortunately, a lot of people dont make their own anymore.  Once I got older and started eating like a massive teenage girl, my parents realized its just easier and faster to feed me already boxed food (so this is how a cat feels?) Shepherds pie and lasagna were meals we had often in my family.. but they were definitely always ready-made.

1.  Lasagna
I was a little apprehensive to put this in the list, along with shepherds pie, mostly because I still know a lot of people who make theirs from scratch.  But I think it well deserves number one on the list.  Personally, I havent had homemade lasagna since I moved out of my moms house to be a broke college student (Starting to regret my decision on that one!) and as a result, I hardly enjoy lasagna anymore due to the fact that store bought tastes like a cardboard box, but yet I just cant bring myself to make my own.  Why would I? Theres ready-made lasagna being sold at the local grocery store right now!


  1. Aww, I love lasagna, and I admit I buy ready-made too.

  2. kraft dinner is what Canadians call mac and cheese right?

  3. I've never met another person who know's about Shepherds Pie. Kudos!

  4. omg i think im in love with you already. its so true, i love to make soups and stews! they are so filling, healthy and they truly are cheap to make. shepherds pie is another excellent meal i love to make. very easy and it works excellent because theres no real 'amount' of ingredients. shepherds pie works great with leftovers, surplus or minuscule ingredients. whatever you have you can throw in! also, lasagna is amazing but a lot of work to make from scratch (The only way to make pasta :P ) but i love it so i make it on my birthday.

  5. sucha true post.. being a poor university student makes most of these things staples of my diet. One day! Ill have time to cook and I will!

  6. the thing about making your own food is you can pile on as many unhealthy great tasting noms that you want.

  7. b-but i like ready meals ;P

  8. Ahh homemade food! we've been spoiled by convenience, and the cost is quality!

  9. a few things I would rather make the right way, but I cant beat a quick box of mac and cheese

  10. @Charles, as much as I love homemade mac and cheese, sometimes the box beats it hands down.

    @2nd lawl- yepp, KD=mac and cheese

  11. Nailed it. I cant stand ready made meals, most of all lasagne!

  12. I looooove kraft dinner. i actually don't like normal macaroni as much...

  13. Being a college student you'd think I love this stuff but honestly I'd rather take the time to whip up the real thing

    Great post! now followed!

  14. Wow. Reading all of this just filled my mouth with the absolutely awful taste of each.

  15. LOL i admire your passionate hatred for cheap canned goods

  16. i use to love mac and cheese as a kid, and i must agree that kraft really has killed it for me too. luckily my grandma makes real mac and cheese (thank god!) and she feels the same. oh kraft.

  17. 1. my favourite! i'm like garfield love lasagna :)
